Friday, June 14, 2013

In His own time

This song embodies my life this week. I have lost my keys, my wallet, my earrings, had a shorter paycheck than I thought I would. And each time I have had epic freak outs, but found what I was looking for or a solution to the problem. I found my keys after 2 days of searching. I was given advice by many people while searching, and the top 2 things people said were to pray about it, and to stop searching. I didn't want to give up the search but I prayed. That still didn't work. Then I went ahead and gave up the search. A few hours later, a lightbulb went off in my head and I knew where my keys were, the general area. I found them just a few minutes later. I started wondering if this all isn't a sign for the bigger picture. I will be back on the TTC journey this week, and I love to have control. Who doesn't? When you want something, you want it, and you want it NOW, or at least I do. God has His own timing and His own reasoning. I'm not an overly religious person, but I was raised Catholic and I believe in Him. So, I think that this cycle I am going to try my best to give it up to God, and let Him take all the worry and fear and doubt. Who knows? Maybe this is the month. Cheers to the beginning of cycle 20. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I wanted to start a new blog, because I didn't keep up with my old one, and I want somewhere to keep track of this TTC journey, and of the crazy, funny, wonderful parts of my life. Much love to my best friend for helping me title this blog! Wonder Woman is my idol and has been since I was a little girl. I try to be the best mom I can be to my daughter, E. She is my life, and the best thing I've ever done, easily.

My husband and I have been married almost 2 years. After we got married, we waited a few months and then began trying to conceive a sibling for E. Silly us, we assumed it would be easy. Bing bang boom, baby number 2. That didn't happen. A few months went by, then a year. Now, we are getting ready to start our 20th cycle.

I wanted to share a story that I was told this past week. I work in social services, and had taken one of my clients to the dentist. There was a woman in the waiting area with a cute and happy baby, and I told her I thought that. This led to a discussion about her kids. I noticed there was a rather large age gap between her children. I probably shouldn't have been nosy and asked why, but I did. I quickly explained that I was on a TTC journey and trying to hope that even with a large age gap, our kids would still be close. She said well I have something to share with you then. She has a 16 year old and a 9 year old, and then the new baby who is 7 months. She said that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer just a couple of years ago, at an advanced stage. They told her she would definitely need chemotherapy to have a hope of beating it, along with other treatments. They told her that because of all of this, she would never be able to have another child. She and her husband talked about it, and they had been hoping for a 3rd child, but had just not gotten there. They decided obviously, she had to try to beat the cancer. She began treatment. She thought, sometime later, that she felt pregnant. She told her doctors, and said she was worried about her meds affecting the baby. They assured her, it was NOT medically possible, and what she was feeling was likely side effects of the medicines. The feelings didn't go away and kept getting stronger. She demanded a blood test, and sure enough, she was pregnant. Unfortunately, very quickly after finding out, she lost the baby. She and her husband talked about it and decided that if she could get pregnant, clearly they were meant to try for a 3rd child. They decided to try and conceived the baby in her arms on the very first cycle. She is also in remission. She said "The point of my story is, even when they tell you that you can't, even when they tell you it's impossible, never give up."

I was/am at a point in my journey where I needed to hear that. I'm tired. I know I have not been through as much as some. We are have done clomid, metformin, scans, trigger shots, an HSG and I just had a laparoscopic surgery with a repeat HSG. The surgery was a success. Cysts I had were drained and my ovaries cleared off. My OB is willing to keep me as a patient to try 3 more clomid cycles, and if those are unsuccessful, then I will be sent to an RE. He assures me that we will be successful. I am hopeful, and have agreed, with the encouragement of my husband, my best friend, and wonderful groups on social media sites, to press on. I am not alone. Many women on this journey need to hear this story, need to know that the impossible is in fact POSSIBLE. Miracles CAN happen.